Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Are they Young Living Oils?

My intention is not to defame Young Living Essential Oils. I like their oils and I enjoy some of their products. I’m afforded a modest supplement to my income by being an independent distributor. These questions are sincere. I want you to know that.

My background is in materials management. I work for a company that manufactures products for other companies. Let me give you an example. Company “A” wants to market a widget. They don’t have the capability to make a widget so they contact Company “B” who can make a widget. Company “B” works with Company “A” to design and manufacture the widget. Often, Company “A” has an idea but lacks the necessary expertise to formulate or design the widget, so Company “B” does it for them. Each widget is then labeled as being a Company “A” product without their customers’ knowledge.

In this instance I am certain that many if not most Young Living products are manufactured by a third party that we’ve never heard of. And my guess is that these other companies (called “Vendors”) are formulating the majority of Young Living’s products.

We’ve all been to, seen or read about Young Living’s farms. Their farm in Mona has lavender, clary sage, peppermint and a few other plants. There are no orange trees. There isn’t any helicrysm. So if these aren’t grown at one of Young Living’s farms, who is growing them and who is distilling them?

There’s nothing wrong with another company manufacturing products for you. As long as you’re honest about it. But one question: if another vendor is selling Young Living their essential oils, are these same oils being sold to other companies around the world?

Let’s take Orange Essential Oil. Orange oil is pressed out of the rind of an orange. To my knowledge Young Living doesn’t own any orange groves. So, who is growing oranges for Young Living? May we get a name? Are they organic? Does Young Living cold press oranges or does another company cold press oranges for them? If so, can we get a name? Do they sell their orange oil to other companies?

None of these things are, of themselves, criminal. There’s nothing wrong with it, if you’re honest. But the point here is that “The World Leader in Essential Oils” is just a middle man for the majority of its oils. They are Company “A” and want to sell essential oils. They can’t possibly grow that many plants so they contract it to Companies B, C, D, E…

There may be a very good chance that the oils you buy from Young Living come from the same vendor as the oils you can buy from another company. Young Living, is this true?

And if it is true, why should I pay more for your oils when I can buy the exact same oils from another company and they are the SAME oils?

1 comment:

  1. hello. Thankyou for this blog. I asked the same questions by people who sell Young Living oils. Now I lost friends, because of my 'hard questions'
